Blog Archives

Strange Emotional Space

I was in a strange emotional space this past week.  I noticed when I woke up Tuesday morning I had a feeling of foreboding.  Not quite anxiety or fear.  By Wednesday, it was full blown.  I recognized I was experiencing emotions from an earlier time in my life.  Various images began flashing through my mind’s eye.  I realized that the images were from my 10th year of life.  It was as if I was reliving that year.  The feelings were so strong, I thought if closed my eyes I would be transported back in time.  I couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly what I was feeling because it seemed like I was feeling everything.  I knew the time of the images so I began combing through my memories. Read the rest of this entry

Relax, Let Go and Be Grateful!

I can be wound pretty tight sometimes.  I’ve always been a serious person.  I think I was born serious.  As I’ve matured, I’ve tried not to make a mountain out of a mole hill over every misstep or erroneous decision.  I use to consider myself a “go with the flow” person, taking things in stride, dealing with the bumps in the road of life as I encounter them.  Little did I know I was mistaken.

Since 2003, I’ve been a student of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms.™  Basically,  there are 5 rhythms to life and living (Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness in that order.)  Each person has a rhythm that they’re most comfortable with and live their life through.  The local 5Rhythms™ teacher is producing five weekend workshops.  Each workshop focuses on one rhythm.  The first workshop focused on the first rhythm, Flow.  It was during this workshop that I learned the “truth” about myself. Read the rest of this entry